Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Guide Destroyer PVP dragon nest

KEEP IN MIND THAT IT'S ONLY FOR PURE 1V1 PVPERS. No PvE or Group PvP was taken into consideration for this build.

Warrior build

Lv 6 Rising Slash: for the additional slash.
Lv 1 Circle Break: it's a good utility skill for its high SA break.

Anything else should be self-explanatory, but ask if you wonder why I made something this way.

Mercenary build lvl 50

Stomp lvl 8: Makes your opponent much slower compared to the low lvls of stomp.
Flying Swing lvl 11: Higher damage and for flying swing EX.
Punishing Swing lvl 6: Higher damage
Ring Bombs lvl 9: Higher damage
Circle Swing lvl 9: Higher damage
Taunting Howl lvl 3: Reduces your opponent's atk by 12% and crit chance by 12% as well.
Whirlwind & Rolling attack lvl 7: High damage.
Toughness: To recieve less damage and last longer.

Anything else is left at lvl 1 as you won't gain anything from upgrading them. You can put the last 3 sp
points where you want. (it says 88/94, but the SP cap is really at 91 now, it's different in cDN)

Destroyer build lvl 50

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